
Endangered Baby Sharks to be Released Back into Ocean


A concerning trend of declining shark populations in the world's oceans has prompted a new initiative aimed at restoring endangered shark species to their natural habitats. ReShark, an international organization dedicated to recovering threatened sharks and rays, has partnered with 44 aquariums across 15 countries to accomplish this mission. The process starts with harvesting eggs from endangered shark species in captivity at these aquariums. These eggs are then transported to Indonesia, where they are hatched in enclosures. Once the sharks reach a certain size and are nurtured to be self-sufficient, they are released into the wild.

Zebra Shark photo by Canva

Indonesian waters have welcomed two 15-week-old zebra sharks that were recently released with the aim of creating a self-sustaining wild population of at least 500 individuals. Zebra sharks, which are on the brink of extinction, have been heavily impacted by overharvesting. These sharks are often caught as bycatch but are also targeted for their fins and oily meat. With this initiative, ReShark hopes to revive the declining zebra shark population and safeguard the species from the brink of extinction.

While scientists have successfully reintroduced animals on land in the past, the reintroduction of sharks, which are currently facing a rapid decline in population, is a novel approach. ReShark, the organization behind this initiative, is now exploring the possibility of using the same method to restore other shark and ray species in different regions around the globe. By extending this effort to other endangered species, ReShark aims to prevent further losses in marine biodiversity and contribute to the restoration of oceanic ecosystems.

For more information visit National Geographic.

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