There’s no doubt that this town is the “must see” place on Fire Island. From my own personal perspective, I’ve had some great times in Ocean Beach and that clinches it for me. Ocean Beach is the largest and most popular town on Fire Island. More houses, more shops, more restaurants, more real estate offices, more of everything including people make this town the “capital” of Fire Island. The main strip (Bay Walk, right) in the commercial district is practically a full time street festival. Shops, pubs and restaurants draw crowds in and the sun and salt air energize them. You’ll see children on the sidewalk selling hand painted seashells and other homemade treasures that are hard to resist. The sidewalk medians are planted tall and wide with flowers and nobody bumps into you without apologizing (most of the time anyway).If you’ve never been to Ocean Beach before you’ll be amazed at the number of bicycles and wagons. Also next to the ferry dock are public basketball courts, a recreation room with ping-pong tables, and the dockmaster’s office. You can rent bikes at the hardware store and ride from Ocean Beach through Seaview and Ocean Bay Park all the way to Point O’Woods.