Marinatown Yacht Harbour is a liveaboard marina with 135 deep water slips that offers annual, monthly and daily rates. The marina has 30, 50 and 100 amp power services along with water, phone and wireless internet hookups. The marina offers a pump-out service, laundry, large beautiful pool, and bathroom facilities. At this marina you will find a diversity of people from people who own corporations to people that have sailed around the world. We have families that have lived here over 30 years and raised their children. These people are good, honest and hardworking always helping their neighbor. You will not find a better marina neighborhood to dock at.The marina is located across the river from historic downtown Fort Myers. Where there are many restaurants and historical sites to visit. Many festivals and other activities are frequently held at Centennial Park which is at the base of the south side of the bridge. It is about a five to ten minute dinghy ride from the marina. The marina is about twenty minutes driving time away from Southwest Florida International Airport and 15 minutes to 30 minutes from Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island.
Transient rate $1.50 per foot per day. Month to month $12. fooot. Annual rate $11. foot. Live aboard fee $40 month single, $75 per couple. No other charge except electric which is metered
This marina does not require a credit card to hold the slip or any type of deposit. As a courtesy please notify the marina if you need to cancel your reservation at least 24 hours in advance.