The Marina has a floating restaurant, multiple fuel docks, and both low and high octane gasoline. We are located at mile marker 33.0 L, and are on a deep water cross channel from the deep water river chanel. Look for the high-intensity strobe lite at the marina. The Marina has over 100 Slips, taking care of boats up to fifty-five feet. A majority of the short- term slips are for boats up to 30 feet. A parking area for boats and boat trailers is provided free of charge for registered tenants of the village if you choose not to rent a slip. Boats may not be left on the bank overnight. Courtesy slips are available at the marina for both restaurant customers and short term visiting. Boat rentals may be arranged through the marina manager. We cooperate with multiple marinas in order to better assure you of a boat for your needs. Register for this service when you book your reservation. There is no ramp fee for registered tenants. Long term boat slip rentals are available.